Claremont Golf Club has a range of great membership options to suit everyone. Subscriptions run from April to March each year on a pro-rata basis. Conditions apply. See our options below and to join – please complete the web form at the bottom of this page or you can download a copy of our Application for Membership form here.
Full and Premium Memberships
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- 5% discount on drinks at the bar on production of members card
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- 6 free games for guests when playing with member
- A one-on-one coaching session
- Special competition for Premium Members in conjunction with dinner
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Annual dinner function with sponsors
- 10% discount on drinks at the bar on production of members card
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
- Claremont Golf Club Member Gift
All Inclusive
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions without fees (excluding Corporate Days)
- 6 free games for guests when playing with member
- A one-on-one coaching session
- Special competition for Premium Members in conjunction with dinner
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Annual dinner function with sponsors
- 10% discount on drinks at the bar on production of members card
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
- Claremont Gold Club Member Gift
Quantum Memberships
Quantum 2
- 12 rounds of 18 holes, or 24 rounds of 9 holes included
- Social golf and competition golf count towards included rounds
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- Each additional 9 holes @ $21 or 18 holes @ $31
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
Quantum 3
- 20 rounds of 18 holes, or 40 rounds of 9 holes included
- Social golf and competition golf count towards included rounds
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- Each additional 9 holes @ $21 or 18 holes @ $31
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
Quantum 4
- 30 rounds of 18 holes, or 60 rounds of 9 holes included
- Social golf and competition golf count towards included rounds
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- Each additional 9 holes @ $21 or 18 holes @ $31
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
Other Memberships
(Up to12 yrs)
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
(Aged 13-18)
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
(Aged 19-23)
- Social golf anytime (except when competitions are held)
- Eligible to enter all competitions with normal fees
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
- Eligible for Club Jackpot when held
- Eligible to use Club’s bar facilities for social events at reduced rates
We will get back to you on progress as soon as possible. Contact us for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you!